We all have to deal with our trash on a daily basis, especially if there is a large family living in one house. With so many products today made from disposable materials, such as plastic soda bottles, paper trays, metal containers and everything else that we typically just toss away without a second thought, we are actually creating an ecological disaster. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Not only are many people beginning to recycle what they can, but those that have an artistic flair and are looking for inspiration have found that sometimes, junk imitates art, or perhaps it is the way around. No matter how you look at it, many of today’s young enterprising artists are finding inspiration and materials from everyday objects that would otherwise be disposed
Art in an Hour
One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure
So what do you look for when you want to create something beautiful from just any trash that you find lying around? In Lucky’s case, it is a story of true inspiration and dedication to one’s passion and vision. Lucky was born into a poor family with limited resources. No fancy art school for him. When he was just a boy, he was sent to work, repairing shoes or doing odd menial jobs, just to bring a little money into the household. But he never let his burning passion for being an artist get in the way of all of these setbacks. His first customers were his own classmates, buying tiny robots and the small trinkets that he would make. Later on, he became known as the “robot maker”, because of all the work he was doing with metallic objects.
Keep an Open Eye
In Lucky’s case, most metal objects can be put to use to create something new and beautiful. Discarded pieces of metal, rusty coils of wire, even a kitchen whisk or a part of a motorcycle can be all combined to create something new and beautiful, such as the image of a flower hosting a dragonfly. One of his neighbours, who really appreciated one of his sculptures, paid him a substantial sum of money, only to discover that all of the objects used had come from his own trash bin!
Make It Your Own
Obviously, you don’t have to search around for refuse in order to create great art. Many people find it to be a very relaxing hobby, especially if they have a space in the house where they can paint, sculpt, or just create things. Invariably, they need art supplies to accomplish everything they want to do. Having a vendor who they can trust and who provides excellent service and great prices makes the whole experience that much more enjoyable.